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15 Ways To Reconnect With Your Spouse Everyday

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Many couples end up in counseling because they don’t feel connected to their spouse. Perhaps you no longer talk much or do things together because of work, children, outside obligations or whatever. Maybe you have just fallen into a routine of going about your business. If you are not feeling connected in your marriage it is because you haven’t put any effort into it.

Love can be cultivated during the small moments of everyday life.

Make a commitment to take a small amount of time each day to rebuild and maintain your marriage and emotional connection by showing your spouse that you love them. Here are 15 little ways to connect with your spouse everyday.

  1. Call your spouse in the middle of the day just to say, “I love you.”
  2. Text your partner a sexy, cute or funny selfie.
  3. Give your spouse a long, drawn out kiss rather than just a peck on the check before you or they leave for work.
  4. Put a little love note in your spouse’s coat pocket, briefcase or lunchbox.
  5. Email your spouse a reminder of a happy time you spent together.
  6. Offer to run an errand for your spouse.
  7. Bake or bring home a tasty surprise for your spouse.
  8. Hop in the shower with your spouse.
  9. Offer to babysit while your partner takes some “me” time.
  10. Give your spouse a massage after a long, hard day.
  11. Leave a suggestive voicemail for your spouse.
  12. Ask your spouse to give you advice or instructions on how to handle or do something.
  13. Flirt with your spouse in public.
  14. Plan a romantic date night IN.
  15. Play a sport, exercise or do a hobby together.

You have a choice to turn toward our spouse or away from them. If you want a deep, meaningful relationship with your spouse than you have to work at it everyday. Don’t ignore your spouse’s emotional need for connection.

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