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Do You and Your Spouse Have Mutual Respect?

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Mutual respect differs from person to person, but it is reflected in how partners treat each other daily. In healthy relationships, partners are equals and do not have authority over each other. The loss of mutual respect can lead to a stressful, painful, and unhappy life for a couple and quickly destroy a marriage. Without mutual respect, couples will have trouble working through conflicts. Respect can erode due to daily stresses and strains, causing irritability and negativity toward each other, which is disrespectful. 

What is Mutual Respect?

Mutual respect is straightforward; it means treating your spouse or partner thoughtfully and courteously. Mutual respect isn't rude or disrespectful ( name calling, insulting, or demeaning); it doesn't ignore or avoid your partner. Finally, mutual respect views your partner's opinions, wishes, and values as worthy of serious consideration. It is not just the absence of negative behavior but the presence of positive behaviors. It takes consistent effort to treat your spouse or partner respectfully by doing things like: 

●     Considering your spouse's opinion

●     Consult with your partner before making a decision that affects them.

●     Take an active interest in your partner's life (work, interests, and daily activities 

●     Negotiate and work with your partner about important issues affecting you and your family. 

Mutual Respect Facilitates Many Things in a Relationship.

Many factors contribute to a long-term relationship's viability, but mutual respect facilitates so much in a relationship like:

●     Problem-solving. If both people respect each other's intelligence, common sense, and benevolence, disagreements are more likely to be solved, bringing the couple closer.

●     Acceptance of difference. Where there is a foundation of mutual respect, people are more likely to accept their partner's differences in values, physical appearance, personality traits, quirks, past experiences, and interests.

●     Resilience. Couples with mutual respect can more easily agree to disagree on an issue, not hold a grudge, and move forward.

●     Mutual respect enables strength to uphold healthy boundaries in the relationship.

●     Mutual respect requires remembering you are both on the same team during conflict. 

●     Mutual respect helps to strengthen the friendship between you and your spouse. 

How to Show Respect in Your Relationship

Healthy relationships are founded on mutual respect, shown through positive behaviors, such as listening to your partner, honoring their requests and boundaries, supporting their dreams and desires, and speaking kindly about them to others. When you respect someone, you regard them highly through your behaviors, actions, and words. Differences between spouses are accepted.

There are some simple steps you can take to change habits and patterns to more responsible ways of relating. Here are some tips:

●     Listen attentively when your partner's shares needs, desires, and concerns.

●     Respond to what your partner asks for and in a timely fashion.

●     Acknowledge, appreciate, and show gratitude for what your partner does and who your partner is.

●     When using humor, be careful not to wound.

●     Don't share intimate details or violate confidentiality.

●     Be careful not to go over the line to criticism with complaints.

●      Avoid cutting sarcasm and use soft words.

●     Speak first to your partner rather than sharing concerns with others.

●      Avoid impatience and irritable tones.

●     Be compassionate when your partner makes mistakes. 

●     Assure your partner that there is room for many opinions. 

What To Do if You Don't Feel Respected


If you don't feel appreciated by your partner, here are some strategies that might help:

1. Improve Your Communication as A Couple

Focus on how you communicate with each other, especially during conflict. Practice active listening, expressing feelings, and using your senses. Learn to say how you feel when your partner does something hurtful and ask for what you want. For example, you might say, "I feel disrespected when you make fun of me in front of my friends, and I'd like you only to sound upbeat about me, especially when we're out. Make eye contact, use a soft voice, ask clarifying questions, and avoid defensiveness. 

Wise couples don't take their partners for granted and are eager to contribute to their relationships.

2. Be Clear on Your Boundaries

Focus on boundaries that may be needed with your partner. When you set them, make sure they are clear and understood. You should not have to explain or justify why this is necessary continually; your partner should be respectful. It's up to you to keep and maintain these boundaries and speak up if needed. Misunderstandings about boundaries do pop up, but couples in healthy relationships address them.

Re-establishing Respect in Your Relationship

It can be challenging to change if a couple falls into a pattern of treating each other with disrespect. Both partners must be willing to change their behavior. To avoid escalating tension, work on changing your behavior only and avoid policing your partner's behavior. The golden rule says to treat your partner as you would like to be treated. Once greater respect has been established, couples can work on making requests more effectively, solving problems, and accepting differences.

If you have trouble finding respect in your relationship, a professional can guide you through the steps to re-establishing respect and finding joy in your marriage. Marriage in a Box provides helpful tools and professional techniques.

Marriage In a Box uses solutions used by professional marriage counselors. Marriage coaching is also available on the website. Check out the available kit and online sources of information.

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