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8 Ways To Keep The Romance Alive Year Round

Posted on by Destiny Girard, LMFT

8 Ways To Keep The Romance Alive Year Round

Many couples do not get the opportunity to spend a great deal of quality time together, especially time where they are alone and free of interruptions. Too often life gets in the way and our children, careers, extended families and other obligations become prioritized over our relationship. It is because of this that couples may stop dating and struggle to keep romance an active part of their relationship, with the exceptions of Valentine’s Day, birthdays or anniversaries, of course. Romance is often part of the reason that two people fell in love and can help to keep the relationship from feeling stale. Follow some of the tips below to help keep romance alive in your relationship all year through.

Make it a priority to spend time with one another at least once a month.

Use this time to go on a date and do something that both of you will enjoy. Find a sitter for the kids and turn off your phone, so that you can be free from interruptions and can give one another your undivided attention.

Write little love notes to each other to let your spouse know that you are thinking of them.

These can be done via email, text, Facebook or even little post-it notes hidden in the house or car. Reminders that you are on each other’s mind when you can’t be together can help you to feel closer and more connected with your spouse.

Take the time to surprise each other from time to time.

A surprise does not have to be a grand gesture and can be anything from bringing them coffee at work to planning a weekend getaway for the two of you. It will make your spouse feel special knowing that you put the effort into doing something spontaneous for them.

Make everyday activities feel less mundane by turning them into something more romantic.

Turn a boring Wednesday night dinner at home into something magical by creating a more inviting atmosphere. Light a few candles, dim the lights and play romantic music to make you feel like you are enjoying your meal in a fancy restaurant. Make household chores more
exciting by turning them into small games or competition between you and your partner.

Stop and truly savor the moments of being together by incorporating touch into your routine.

Slow dance in the kitchen. Hold hands walking down the street. Cuddle up to one another on the couch while watching a movie. Opt for a quick make out session instead of a peck on the lips before leaving for work. Hug your spouse from behind when they are doing the dishes. Give each other massages after a long day at work.

Compliment each other often and show appreciation for the things that you find your spouse doing.

Help your partner to know that you still find them attractive and that you love being with them. Thank them for the small things, like putting the laundry away, making dinner or putting the kids to bed 15 minutes early so you can have extra alone time. Everyone enjoys compliments and knowing that their good deeds are getting noticed.

Stay connected in the bedroom.

Too often couples let sex fall by the wayside when life gets busy. Physical intimacy is an  important part of every relationship and allows both members of the couple to feel more connected to their partner. If finding time proves difficult, make time by scheduling sex in advance. If sex is feeling boring or monotonous, try asking your partner what he or she desires—or try something new (there are plenty of books and games out there). Wear lingerie or their favorite undergarments to turn them on, or give each other a massage to help you get relaxed beforehand.

Spend at least 15 minutes a day connecting with one another via conversation.

Communication is essential in making a relationship work. Spend time daily talking about your thoughts, opinions, experiences and feelings. Be open and honest—and give your partner the courtesy of listening to them with undivided attention.

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